Are you looking to write for AWPGuide? Well, we will give you a chance for you! So many users have asked for this. and here’s how the system works.
You must read this complete post before sending an email. MUST.
AWPGuide is concentrated on WordPress tutorials, plugin & theme reviews, ‘listy’ posts and related things. So we can only publish those articles on our website. NOT entertainment or song reviews.
What Will We Accept?
Well, we will accept posts on below categories.
- WordPress tutorials.
- Theme reviews.
- Plugin reviews.
- Listy posts.
- Ad network reviews.
Your content must be a unique one. A post which is not copied from someone else’s website nor spun.
How To Write For AWPGuide?
It’s pretty simple. Make sure that you
- Have at least 500 words in your posts.
- Useful Images.
- Proper credits for third-party images.
- We love internal links.
- Nice formatting.
- Say NO to spelling mistakes and grammar. Use Grammarly.
What’s For You?
Absolutely by contributing, we will give you a backlink to your website’s homepage! Note that it will be a nofollow backlink.
It means you can improve your website’s ranking, increase sales and revenue.
Also, your posts will be on our blog permanently.
If you are planning to review your own theme/ plugin or service, you may want to reach us on our advertising page. Please don’t use the below form.
Is It Free?
We are NOT accepting free guest posts. If you need to publish your content on our website and a backlink, you must pay something to us.
At this time, a guest post costs around $50. It will be increased in the future and we will shut down this guest blogging service for some time.
Contact Us
Use this form to get in touch.
We will reply to every email within 24 business hours.
Co-founder of AWPGuide.